Read To Me | Woodstock Documentary Photographer
As Conor gets older we are having a lot more fun with our bedtime reading. He's really starting to get into certain books, and we try to keep it fresh with a new book or two from the library each week. I usually let him pick out 2 or 3 books to read before bed at night. We sometimes spread his favorite blanket on the floor and flip through them, sometimes we sit together in the rocking chair. We don't always get through a whole book before moving on to the next, and sometimes we read the same one over and over. This was the case recently with The Very Busy Spider
I had stepped out of the room for a moment and when I got back I found him sitting up in the rocking chair by himself, as he does sometimes. He sat there quietly reading for a moment, then moved to the floor to read it again, and again, until I insisted on turning out the lights and welcoming in the sandman, so I could edit these wonderful images! I always know when I get something I love, because I rush straight to my computer to play with it!